Reflections on the research

Political subjects from the peripheries must urgently occupy the legislatures. In these spaces of power, rights are constructed and guaranteed. The crafting of laws and policies based on the experience of the peripheries presents an opportunity for political innovation and advocacy to reduce inequalities.

Political innovation is black women from the periphery
Because black women from the peripheries are the predominant social group and the group that most suffers from racism, sexism and social discrimination. They manage urgencies and have the most legitimate sense of priorities. When this group is determining priorities for institutional politics, politics will be duly representative and this in itself will be a step towards a more just, equal and democratic society.

Rights labs are public policy experiments
If the government has an interest in creating public policies that work, they should understand and invest in the solutions that the doers are finding and developing. They are the true labs for validating the guarantee of constitutional rights. Politics shaped around the needs and identity of the territories is political innovation, an agenda constructed based on real problems and on the voices that were systematically silenced by the state.

The peripheries are territories that belong to the city
We must shift from a socio-centric view of society to one that is plural and diverse.

Need to expand access to funding
The lack of funding is one of the chief challenges for the continued, healthy development of this ecosystem. Increasing access and the distribution of financial resources allows for the health, training, time and continuity necessary to construct actions in the medium and long term. Whether through public, private or NGO-led grants, it is important to invest in this agenda so that it can keep growing and influencing in a healthful way.

Visualization of the network/ecosystem
Even though the peripheries are connected within the cities, from state to state the contact is less frequent. This study brings a broad perspective of the movement, where many people and initiatives work organically and using similar strategies and tools to guarantee their rights. Visualizing a national network of political innovation in the peripheries is key for recognition, belonging and increasing potential.

Valuing public policies and their continuity
The doers develop when they access public policies. This research shows the significant impact of public policies aimed to emancipate citizens so they can fight for their rights and occupy their political role. Recognizing and defending public policies reduces inequalities and deepens democracy.

Advocacy strategies
The report serves to support the political innovation ecosystem with advocacy tools. The exercise of joining the objectives of civil society with the objectives of the government seeks to generate a favorable environment for sustainable and socially responsible public management.

Open circulation of research
(in person, in pdf and online) in the 5 cities as a way to return the content and the intelligence to the territories.