Instituto Update 2018-11-16T15:13:30+00:00

Instituto Update is a non-profit, civic association that supports political innovation in Latin America. We understand that because of our cultural and political similarities, countries in the region can share innovative political practices and experiments specific to Latin American realities.

With the objective of strengthening democracy in Latin America, we develop projects that can restore confidence in politics and can update democratic practices through a vision of political renewal based on diversity and innovation.

Learn more about Update on the site:



Mapping trends: 700 initiatives mapped, cataloged and analyzed.


Emergência Política: América Latina (Emerging Politics – Political Innovation in Latin America)


LIANE: Electoral Toolkit – technologies and methodologies to democratizing political campaings.

Emergência Política – Periferias Brasil (Emerging Politics in the Perifheries – Brazil)


Mapping trends: 700 initiatives mapped, cataloged and analyzed.


Emergência Política: América Latina (Emerging Politics – Political Innovation in Latin America)


LIANE: Electoral Toolkit – technologies and methodologies to democratizing political campaings.

Emergência Política – Periferias Brasil (Emerging Politics in the Perifheries – Brazil)